Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dear Wave Pool:
I think I'm doing a good job of doing the things I resolved to do last year while almost drowning in you.  I'm glad I was able to almost drown in you again.  I will not miss that skin off my elbow.  It was worth it.
(Many people swam through Ryan's legs.)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Free cupcake adventures was a success!

Dan and I gave away 87 cupcakes.  Kyle ate one; Dan ate one; one lady took two; and one guy took three. An additional fifteen people refused the delicious cupcakes.  82 cupcakes were given away out of a total of 97 approaches: a success rate of 84.5%.  Higher than all estimates!

Best parts:
The screams as a flock of teenage girls descended upon the trays of cupcakes.
We met a few people totally willing to take up the cupcake cause and give away free cupcakes to passers-by.
The weird call center we found on State Street.
The guy celebrating his birthday.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Listen up:  We went out to the Comedy Club and the audience was so full of douchebags it put me in a terrible mood.  Afterward we wandered to the parking garage and I scraped the paint off the front panel of my car running into a pillar, a real genius move.  While surveying the damage, Stewie and I got to talking about things that made us sad.  This never ends well, the both of us in terrible moods, and soon we were sitting on the ground in the parking garage crying and being utterly, terribly miserable.

From the window, Stewie saw an acoustic guitar leaning up against the wall near the entrance to the Comedy Club.  He decided that we couldn't pass it by, so we went down to investigate the guitar.  It was all alone and seemed to belong to nobody. He started to play it.  Something was rattling around inside of it - it was a dollar!  A guy wandering by asked if he could sit next to us, and we said yes. We told him how we had found the guitar and that there was a dollar inside it, and he said, "America!"  Then he surprised us by knowing what a jib was.   He told me he could probably answer almost any question I had, so I asked him by what mechanimsm humans are able to digest lactose beyond infancy.  It was true; he knew the answer.

We all parted ways and it was okay because the world felt much better to live in.

Thanks guitar! Thanks Trivia Guy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I got a raise and now I can buy 30 MORE TACOS per month!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Squealer and Kyle are the most beautiful and bestest brothers!

 MORE Awkward Hugs!:

(Mmmmm I finally got some tacos.)

Flyin' Drones and High Fives

Scruff is so happy!

The Socially Awkward Burritos!