Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dear Internet,

I haven't been happy much the past few weeks.  Lately I've been trying to stay consistently busy to escape depression, and it's been working - but last week, it fell apart, and I crumbled into a pile of sad dead sludge.  I dragged my dead self through each day feeling nothing and at night had dreams of being publically, deservedly hung.  Ruff ruff; I am woe.

But I have had an excellent few days.  I have been being productive at work!  On Friday, Ryan and I got Thai Noodles and then headed to meet up with the Kate, my mom, Dave, Ian, and the OLB people to occupy the beltline. In the morning I even woke up early, and had another productive day at work.  I picked up my CSA box and OMG IT IS FULL OF THE BESTEST VEGGIES, then headed over to the Chazen Museum to look at artsicles and talk more about morality.  Followed by: snuggles.  Followed by: donuts!  Followed by: leftover curry!  Scruffy and I will now retire to bed to snuggle and drift away on a cloud of contentment.  Everything is lovely.  Can I remember this feeling when I'm sad?

 I was 'S' #1!

 Blair Witch Brigade

 It's hard to see her, but there is Global Rev!  (My mom's new code name.  Mine is Stuff)

(My mom getting into trouble!)


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