Monday, December 12, 2011

Reasons Why I Love the Scruff:
(an unfinished list, in no particular order)

-The underbite
-The way his paws smell.
-How he likes to rest his head on my shoulder.
-Because he loves to give hugs.
-The way he gives sleepy high-fives in the morning.
-How he hides under the covers when he doesn't want to go to work.
-The way he scares puppies.
-Because he rubs on people's legs like a cat when he likes them.
-Because he is always happy to see me.
-The way he prances around like a robot when he is excited.
-Because he can dance.
-The way he sits in the reception chair at work, like he is the receptionist.
-Because he is so snuggly.
-How he always knows when I even think about brushing the snarls out of his fur.
-The fervor with which he attacks his toys.
-His wiggly butt.
-Because he always keeps me company when I feel sick.
-Because he always takes opportunities to walk down trails and roads.
-His unquenchable appetite for mountain climbing.
-Because he will stay in bed with me all day long.
-Because he will then stay up with me all night long.
-Because he loves to fly.
-The way he bounces up when I throw him onto the bed.
-The way he tolerates when other people squeeze him too much with just a disgruntled look.
-How quickly he loves people.
-How sweet he is with kids.
-The way he has to always happily leap through grass.
-The way he stumbles around sleepily when he's drugged for his thunderstorm anxiety.
-Because he never steals food (unless he is drugged.)
-Because sometimes he is intentionally disobedient.
-How well he reads my body language, and how well I can read his.
-The way he sometimes hides his head in the crook of my arm.
-How he tries to be fearsome and scary when he believes there is a threat.
-Because he won't do tricks in front of other dogs.
-How easy he is to make happy.
-How choosy he is about how his lunch and dinner are prepared.
-Because he notices when I dislike someone and treats them with suspicion.
-Because he is a good judge of character.
-Because he helps me interview.
-The way he whine growls when he is agitated.
-The way he runs back to me at the dog park, like something out of a corny movie about a boy and his dog.
-His hatred of unneutered dogs.
-How he lets me brush his teeth, even the lingual surfaces.
-How he carefully tested out of all of the beds at the pet store before we chose one.
-Because he is my partner in crime, and he would follow me wherever I go.
-Because he needs someone to look out for him.
-How easily he has fit into my life.
-The way he sleeps on his back with all of his legs in the air, and how they just kind of float and move around aimlessly.
-The way he plays with toys while laying on his back, holding them between his paws.

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